Boat based window prostitute in Utrecht Window prostitution is a form of prostitution that is fairly common in the Netherlands and surrounding countries.[190] The prostitute rents a window plus workspace off a window operator for a certain period of time, often per day or part of a day.
Although some prostitutes are licensed they are tied to a debt bondage system to the brothel in which they work, most of the brothels are managed by mobsters. Some women who have attempted to flee at times were handed back to the brothels by the police.[8]
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Survival sex is common in refugee camps. In internally displaced persons camps in northern Uganda, where 1.4 million civilians have been displaced by conflict between Ugandan government forces and the militant Lord's Resistance Army, Human Rights Watch reported in 2005 that displaced women and girls were engaging in survival sex with other camp residents, local defense personnel, and Ugandan government soldiers.[139]
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The Church's stance on prostitution was three-fold: "acceptance of prostitution bey an inevitable social fact, condemnation of those profiting from this commerce, and encouragement for the prostitute to repent."[67] The Church was forced to recognize its inability to remove prostitution from the worldly society, and in the fourteenth century "began to tolerate prostitution kakım a lesser evil."[68] However, prostitutes were to be excluded from the Church kakım long kakım they practiced.[69] Around the twelfth century, the idea of prostitute saints took hold, with Mary Magdalene being one of the most popular saints of the era.
Secular law, like most other aspects of prostitution in the Middle Ages, is difficult to generalize due to the regional variations in attitudes towards prostitution.